The Sound Healing website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website, provide certain user functionalities of our website and allow us to improve our website.
A cookie is a small file written by the website and stored locally in a web browser or the file system of your computer or mobile device. We use the following types of cookies:
Functionality cookies
Tyto cookies jsou nezbytné pro provoz naší webové stránky. Patří mezi ně například cookies, které vám umožňují se přihlásit do zabezpečených částí našich stránek, ukládat obrázky do lightboxu, používat nákupní košík a přistupovat k informacím o vašem účtu.
Customization cookies
These cookies are used to recognize you when you return to our website. This allows us to customize our content for your, welcome you by your name and remember your preferences (e.g. language or country selection).
Analytical / performance / test cookies
These cookies allow us to detect and count the number of visitors as well as observe the way our visitors move across the website when using it. This helps us improve the way our website works. For example, this allows users to find what they are looking for easily. These cookies help us provide you with the same experience even when testing different versions of the website’s elements and functionalities.
For more information about each of the cookies we use and the purposes for which they are used, see the table below:
Cookie type | Cookie name | Purpose |
Analysis |
These cookies are necessary for our page because:
Functionality |
These cookies are necessary for our page because:
A/B testing |
These cookies are necessary to provide the same experience from our website and new features. |
Chat support |
These cookies are necessary to provide the functionality of customer support via live chat. |
We also work with third parties that provide us with services we use for promoting and maintaining our website. Some allow us to test and ensure proper functionality of our website. Other measure the influence and effectiveness of our advertising. And other allow us to see recommendations from our partners.
Please read the information on the protection of the privacy of our partners (links below) to make sure that you agree with their use of cookies. We have also provided you with the links to withdraw from their services, if you wish to do so.
Facebook provides a certain functionality of the website, helping us to place an ad on Facebook and track the performance of ads we place on Facebook. Facebook cookies, pixels and similar technologies | |
Krux | Krux provides a technology platform designed to help website administrators and protect consumer data. Krux privacy policy Unsubscribe from Krux cookies |
Crazy Egg | Crazy Egg provides analytical services to help us understand how our website works for visitors and measures the performance of our website. Crazy Egg privacy policy Unsubscribe from Crazy Egg tracking |
Yandex | These technologies allow us to track the performance of ads placed on Yandex. Yandex privacy policy |
Bing | These technologies allow us to track the performance of ads placed on Bing. Microsoft Bing Ads Privacy Policy Microsoft privacy statement |
Pingdom | We use the Pingdom website to monitor the availability of the Sound Healing website. Pingdom privacy policy |
These cookies allow us to track the performance of ads placed on Google. How Google uses cookies for advertisement Sound Healing uses Google Analytics to measure the usage of our website and services, and for subsequent reporting. Unsubscribe from Google Analytics | |
Daum | These tracking technologies allow us to track the performance of ads placed on Daum. Daum privacy statement |
Yahoo | These tracking technologies allow us to track the performance of ads placed on Yahoo. Yahoo cookies policy Unsubscribe from Yahoo Ad Interest Manager |
These tracking technologies help us place advertisement on LinkedIn. LinkedIn privacy policy Unsubscribe from LinkedIn | |
Impact Radius | We use Impact Radius to monitor recommendations from our subsidiaries. Impact Radius privacy policy |
MixPanel | We use MixPanel in some of our applications to analyse user interactions. MixPanel privacy policy Unsubscribe from MixPanel |
Optimizely | Optimizely provides A/B testing services and its cookies are necessary to provide a stable experience from our website and its new elements. Optimizely privacy policy Unsubscribe from Optimizely tracking |
Salesforce | Salesforce services are necessary to provide the functionalities of customer service. Salesforce privacy policy |
These tracking technologies allow us to track the performance of ads placed on Reddit. Reddit privacy policy | |
Sizmek | We use the Sizmek service to monitor the success and management of advertising campaigns Sizmek privacy policy and logout |
User Voice | User Voice provides us with user overview services. User Voice privacy policy |
You can block cookies in your browser settings, where you have the option to refuse some or all cookies. However, if you set your browser to block all cookies (including the basic ones), your access to some or all parts of our parts may be restricted.
More information about online advertising management and leaving ads and cookies tracking can be found at
If you have any further questions or if you are interested in our use of cookies, customization and technology, please contact us at
Next information about Google statement find here.